We also got a kitty and a new car. Please don't ask us to say which one we like better!
Also in January, during Tony's residency, we discovered two new favorite places: the view from Ecola Park and ...
In February, I got to go down to Vegas for Laura's 16th birthday and to see her in the Green Valley High School production of Beauty and the Beast! Fantastic!
Also in February, Tony was invited to give his first reading. He was the "opening act" for the poet Dorianne Laux at Pacific University. He did a great job!
Over Spring Break in March, Randal and Venice came out for a visit. We met them in Coos Bay and drove out to the New Carissa shipwreck. (They have been dismantling it finally this fall. I don't think it exists there anymore.) We couldn't get too close because of the snowy plovers.
In April, we drove as far as we could up Mt. Hood. Look at all that snow! We couldn't see the wagon wheel ruts. We also took a drive through Hood River valley. What a beautiful place.
Also in April, Bryan was awarded Business Student of the Year at SUU in Cedar. Tony went down for the occasion. They spent time looking at family history sites in Santa Clara.
In May, I went down to Vegas to celebrate Mother's Day with my mom (and talk to Sis. Suzanne Walton who is coming home in just two months now!!).
In June, Tony and I ventured out to Cape Lookout. We just happened to pick one of the windiest days, but it was so much fun.
Also in June, I was hired at Via Training as an associate instructional designer. I LOVE my new job, and I LOVE Via!
In August, Tony's cousin Kimmie got married in Logan. We headed out to Clarkston to see the grave of Martin Harris.
Nice to be in that Utah heat! We start to miss it a bit in the Northwest.
In August, my family came out. We did the hike again at Cape Lookout. Look, no wind this time. (We still had rain, but the pleasant "we're in a temperate rainforest" kind of rain.)
In September, Tony and I headed to another national park: Olympic. That place is so big. We drove hundreds of miles and we could only get to half of it. It just means we have to go back!
The attendant at the Forks Chamber of Commerce set us up with a map of all of the Twilight locations and even told us stories from her tribe that fit right into the books. It reminded us a lot of our trip to Preston, ID right during the height of Napolean Dynamite's popularity.
Here is Tony admiring the view from La Push. That is one of the most beautiful spots on the entire Washington Coast. (And trust us, we did our best to see as much of the WA coast as possible on that trip.)
This fall, we met the wonderful Portland Estonians and joined the Tulehoidjad folk dance team. We LOVE going to practice with them! And we're hoping that everything will work out to go to Tallinn next summer with them for the 2009 U"ldlaulupidu.
In September, we picnicked at the Chapman school to watch the annual flight of the swifts. Can we say Hitchcock-like? (But fascinating!)
In October, my mom came up to Seattle to sing with Gladys Knight and the SUV Choir. We had breakfast at this soul cafe in Seattle ... Mmm!
And then we dropped her off for her sound check. That concert was FABULOUS! We didn't want to leave! They're bringing such an important message.
In November, Tony finished his THESIS! Here he is dropping it off at the bindery. Yay! He's all done with school after his January residency. (Can't believe it!)
Also in November, we got to meet Kadri-Riin, who came from Estonia to a wedding in Portland. We had a great time getting to know her!
This December, we experienced the most snow Portland has seen in a looong time. Wehoo! Our Christmas trip to Nevada has been a blast, too! (We even had a white Christmas) but we'll get those pictures in soon.
All in all, it's been an eventful year. Can't wait for 2009 ... We know of lots of good things already on their way!