Monday, January 12, 2009

Like a Boulder Lifted

Well, it’s all over. At least, all the requirements have been fulfilled. I finished off the last one yesterday evening—critical introduction and reading. I am a master of the fine art of writing. At least, that’s what I’m supposed to feel, isn’t it? We’ll see….

Things went well. I talked about literature in a global context, and then a read a couple of sections from my thesis. I got a lot of positive feedback. But I was terrified to go in front of everyone. The lead up to the presentation was pretty awful—especially since I arrived at the residency. I have only been here four days; it feels more like four weeks.

This morning, I went to the cove on the south end of Seaside and watched the surfers in their wetsuits. I was there for almost two hours, taking pictures (which I will post here soon) of misty hillsides and huddled seagulls. Then, the sun burned a small window through the fog. A sliver of sky turned the ocean neon blue.

There was a depression in my chest, as though a boulder had been lifted.


1 comment:

  1. Palju õnne! Mul on sinu üle hea meel, et sa said lõpuks kivi südamelt. See on kindlasti hea tunne. Ma pean veel pool aastat kiviga elama (enne kui keskkooli lõpetatud saan). Õudne.
