Friday, July 3, 2009

Rock and Roll Baby

Today has been fabulous -- so much fun! We had a run-through in our practice clothes this morning, and we finally got a chance to talk to Erika Polendrik. I've enjoyed working with her this week, she is always so positive and polite. Then we ran home, ironed our costumes, changed, and ran right back for the dress rehearsal. We had time for some viinerid, friikartulid, and hapukapsas, and then we found a nice spot on the grass to watch th rest of the show in full dress.

I LOVE rahvariided and all of the details -- the belts, the hats, the skirts, the pins. It was so much fun to dance in folk costumes. We were very fortunate that it rained a little this morning and cooled everything off, so that even though we are wearing thick wool skirts, it wasn't uncomfortable. Then we had a quick dinner (sandwiches with the very best yogurt (apple and pear)) and back to the stadium for our first performance.

The energy was amazing. We enter through a tunnel under the flame. It isn't very wide, but we enter with eight rows, so we all have to hold hands so that we don't get all mixed up in the tunnel. But tonight, while we were waiting to enter, everyone was swaying and dancing and singing. It is very sweet: the woman next to me wishes us all "Ilusat Pidu" just before we go out onto the field. I love how everyone helps each other on the field with counting and directions so that we are coordinated. And, I love that the directors wish us all well as we exit. They say the nicest things like, "Te olete nii tublid."

It really is so wonerful. Our time is starting to go faster and faster, but I want it to slow down instead. Looking forward to Laulupidu tomorrow. Everyone said that despite how crazy the practices are, it would all come together in the end, and it did. I'm singing the music now as I type. Ah, what fun!

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