Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lugupeetud Reisijad (Respectful Travellers)

We had a long, long journey home.

The night before we left was very peaceful. While we enjoyed the last of our Axa Strawberry Muesli with milk and yogurt, we were flipping through the channels and ETV was doing a special "behind the scenes" showing of Laulupidu and Tantspidu. I got all teary again just thinking about what a wonderful experience it was to take part in something so magical. It was our first glimpse of what the field looked like during the dancing, and it was cool to see what was going on during the dancing. (Who knew that Erika Polendrik and all of the other directors including the "Kapten," Ullo Laht, were in tears during Tulevaiksel Ool (along with the rest of the audience from what I've heard)! He was just bawling with his hands over his eyes. It was so sweet!) The show was also a great reminder of all of the different singing and dancing groups who had come and how they had prepared. It was a great way to end the trip!

Then we went to bed for a brief nap as we had to be up at 2 to get on the 3 AM bus back to Tallinn. The sun came up around 4 and we had the sun for the 28 hours back to Portland. We went from Tallinn to Stockholm to Chicago to Seattle to Portland. We marked all the lasts along the way ... the last time to hear Estonian TV (in the waiting area in the airport), the last time standing on Estonian ground, the last time hearing the Estonian language (Head aega from the flight attendant as we got off in Stockholm). Unfortunately, I didn't get up and walk around at all during the bus ride or either of the first two flights, and by the time we landed in Chicago, my feet were really swollen and tender, especially the right one. It was in a lot of pain by the time we got to Seattle. Even now two days later, it is still in a fair amount of pain and bruised, but it is slowly getting better.

I expected that I'd be much sadder leaving Estonia than I really was at the end. But, I have no doubt that we will get back there one day, and I carried that hopeful thought in my heart as we left.

1 comment:

  1. That thought helped lighten the sorrow for me too, as I finished my last trip to Estonia! I knew I would be back. I am sad that it has been almost 9 years and I still haven't been back, but I know I will.
