My parents extended their Tallinn time, so this morning we went into Old Town together to shop. While they went up the Oleviste tower, Tony and I found some dishes! I'm so excited. I cleared out the hutch months ago once we decided to get some dishes here in Estonia. We got the colorful Tallinn dishes. My parents through in an extra two place settings and a few other pieces like a pitcher and sugar bowl. I can't wait to unpack them at home. They'll be a fun memory of this trip.
Then, we headed out to a birthday party for Lehti. It was a huge event with lots of guests, some of the more noteworthy ones included Hirve Surva, Ullo Luht, and Erika Polendrik. The Portland and Seattle dance teams were also there, and tons of Lehti's friends. It is probably the last time we will see any of the Tulehoidjad until we return to Portland. Kalev and Janne had prepared a big picture of the team for us each to sign, and I'm sure Lehti will love it. I was sad we had to leave early, but it is so hard to get to so many places in such a short time.
Tonight, we went down to Nomme to visit Chris and Maila, their family, and Kadri-Riin. It was SO good to be with them. Marta taught family home evening tonight about how forgiveness can help strengthen families. I loved talking with them, singing a hymn together, and just being with them. After the lesson, we went out back for treats: chocolate ice cream cones (the best!) and watermelon. Then we looked at pictures. Each of the kids brought us their albums, and we looked at Chris and Maila's and Kadri-Riin's, too. I'm so happy that we met Kadri-Riin last fall!
It was so neat to see Chris and Maila's temple pictures, especially those of their sealing (July 12, 2000). I was so impressed with how well their kids knew the stories from the scriptures. It was a perfect night, and love each one of them so much. I was so sad when we had to say goodbye. I cried and cried, even until we were on the bus. But I kept thinking of Alma 17:2-3 when Alma runs into the sons of Mosiah after being separated for so many years, and even though half of the tears were because I know it will probably be a long time before I will see them again, the other half were because of my exceeding joy at their faithfulness and strength:
Nuud ned Moosia pojad olid koos Almaga sel ajal, kui ingel esimest korda ilmus temals; see parast Alma roomustas nii vaga oma vendi nahes ja mis veel ta roomu suurendas, oli see, et nad ikka veel olid ta vennad Isandas; jah, ja nad olid kasvanud tugevaks toe tundmises, sest nad olid selge moismisega mehed ja nad olid usinalt uurinud puhakirjuu, et nad voiksid teada Jumala sona.
Aga see ei ol koik; nad olid puhendanud ennast palju palvle ja paastumisele, selleparast olid neil ettekuulutuse vaim ja ilmutuse vaim ning kui nad opetasid, siis nad opetasis Jumala voimu ja volitusega. (
I wish I could have been at Mailas. That story just makes my heart swell.